A specialised spray for fighting bed bugs is a reliable means of dealing with these persistent insects. Now available in two volumes – 250 and 500 ml! Choose the variant that suits you, depending on where and with which insect you are dealing with and how big the problem is.
Looking for a way to get rid of bed bugs?
VACO liquid is suitable for all bed bug infestations, from beds, carpets and furniture to places such as dormitories, hotels, transport, cinemas, hostels and offices. Kills all developmental forms of bed bugs. First effects are visible after 30 minutes – get rid of bed bugs quickly and effectively.
Handy packaging with a convenient dispenser improves the application of the product. It leaves a pleasant fresh fragrance at the place of spraying, which is an additional advantage of the liquid.
Active substance: cypermethrin (5g/kg), geraniol (0,1g/kg).
Why use VACO bed bug spray?
- eliminates the problem within 30 minutes,
- becomes fully effective after 45 minutes,
- has a handy container with a convenient dispenser,
- leaves a pleasant fragrance,
- can be used indoors and outdoors.
Biocidal products should be used with precaution. Read the label and product information before each use.
Indoors: before applying the product, empty the room, move people and pets out, and protect food and everyday products from contamination. Spray the surface from a distance of about 30 cm. One dose from the sprayer provides 0.5 ml of the product. Apply 10 ml of solution on 1m2. Spraying should be carried out starting from the furthest part of the room, moving backwards towards the exit. After completing all activities, the room should be closed for 2-3h and then aired for about 1h. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated.
Outdoors: take special care during strong gusts of wind. Spray the surface from a distance of about 30 cm. One spray application provides 0.5 ml. Apply 10 ml of solution on 1 m². If rainfall occurs within 24 hours of application, the treatment should be repeated The product contains contact active ingredients, so the treatment can be carried out directly on the insects to be controlled.
Precautions: Avoid direct contact with the product. Wash hands with soap and water after treatment. Keep the product away from foodstuffs.